I have been out in the region sampling wine and cheese and out on the riverboat over the past 2 weekends.
Its all very intensively done here and is very regimented, all done with much love and tradition. Each round of Compte cheese weighs 40 kilo and takes 400 litres of milk and and a minimum of 23 cows to make. The wine from the Jura I'm not that taken with, especially "vin Jaune". The riverboat ride I will never forget. We went through 2 locks(a first) and and underground canal(400m). The canal goes under the citadel and has its own amazing history including a phantom.??
Riverboat-Verdette Battant
The warm balmy weather has returned which brings the Bisontins(Name for the people of this region) out into the streets, parks and on the river. I miss the feeling of being close to the ocean, the river will have to do.Study continues to be a challenge except for the oral which is top of the class at present. My transactional french has come back very quickly and my written continues to be a trial for all who have to put up with it.
This week I get a language partner who is a local and we get involved in some sort of language sharing activites all organised by CLA. I have been advised to get a TV installed, my next project for this week.
Photos are a bit touristy but I actually enjoy taking them. This little defense tower has been turned into a restuarant.
Part of Vauban's architecture along the river
Some of the Citadel from the river